How Facebook Can Increase Your Customer Leads

Lead generation should be a top priority for real estate agents. Whilst there are many ways to win business, Facebook is the best social media platform to reach new prospects and convert them to clients. If you are an experienced agent looking for highly targeted ways to reach your database and ‘Lookalike Audiences’, here are our top four Facebook strategies and tools that we recommend.

1. Run Facebook Website Conversion Ads

Facebook Ads are the most powerful way to generate leads on this platform. As a real estate agent, we recommend running ads focused on gaining ‘website conversions’. Website Conversion advertisements allow you to reach people who are most likely to take action. For example, why not put together a branded eBook, such as ‘20 tips for buying an investment property in [insert your Market Area]’, and set up a Facebook ad which gets people to click to download it for free. The best thing is, once people click the link, they will land on your website where they must fill in their details to receive the download. As a result, you are not only providing extremely relevant content which positions you as a real estate expert, but this simple strategy allows you to capture their details so you can instantly follow up these new leads. To set up these ads, access Facebook’s Ads Manager, select the ‘Conversions’ objective, set your audience, choose your budget, and commence ad delivery.

2. Be Social On Facebook Pages

Another great way to generate customer leads is by being social on relevant Facebook Pages. We recommend following pages which your target market is active on. To do this, think outside of real estate and join local community business and group pages that your target market follow. The quickest way to do this is by googling your market area to see which local businesses and groups have a digital presence. Then, find these on Facebook, join their pages, and start socialising! By personally engaging with people on these pages through relevant and helpful comments and posts (both related and not related to real estate), you can reach an untapped, highly-targeted audience. As a result, you can boost your profile in your local community and generate organic customer leads at the same time.

3. Use Facebook Live To Generate Live Leads

Facebook’s newest tool, Facebook Live, can help you gain live customer leads. This tool gives you the opportunity to stream content and build a human connection with viewers in real time. For example, we recommend using Facebook Live to deliver 15-minute weekly live market reports, new listings updates, or free property investment tips. Doing this on a consistent basis builds authority in your market area and positions you as the agent-of-choice. What’s more, by including a call-to-action in each video, you can get customer leads in real time which you can instantly follow up.

4. Boost Your Facebook Posts To Reach More Prospects

Boosting posts allows your content to appear higher in newsfeeds and reach more prospects. You should promote your boosted posts to highly-targeted demographics, locations, interests and behaviours to ensure you reach the right people in the right market area. Doing this not only helps you remain top-of-mind over competing agents, but ultimately drives more traffic to your website and listings. A good idea for a boosted post is a ‘Weekly Market Area Update’ post. These weekly updates help position you as the local real estate expert, so it’s one you want maximum eyeballs to see. To make sure you capture the details of anyone who clicks on these boosted posts, a pop-up should appear on your website which asks them to fill in their details if they want to receive these weekly updates directly to their inbox. This is an effective way to grow your database with qualified leads.

If you want to increase your customer leads, start implementing these effective Facebook strategies and tools today.

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We’d love to know how these Facebook strategies and tools help increase your customer leads. Email me your thoughts at