It’s official, Queensland is the place to be in real estate!

Validum Institute: Flexible | Affordable | Customised Learning

Didn’t think real estate and property in Brisbane could compare to that of Sydney and Melbourne? Think again! Queensland and Brisbane have been anticipating massive growth and it has finally arrived. Real have suggested that Brisbane’s housing growth rate will double next year to mirror Sydney. This news comes after the ABS released information that more and more people are picking up and moving to the beautiful Sunshine State! Smart Property Investment says the Queensland markets are poised to take off because the State is in a position of economic prosperity. It is likely to attract big numbers of asset-rich people, with much of their wealth having arisen from Sydney property sales, according to one real estate expert.

Figures are showing that people are not only moving to Queensland for the solid real estate and property opportunities, rising employment rates and after all, who doesn’t love the hot weather Queensland provides?! Domain suggests that Brisbane remains the top capital city pick, with 43 per cent of investors favouring it as their preferred destination for property investment. This month a huge wave of 130,000 people is expected to relocate to Queensland from the Southern States, with a huge amount of that coming from Sydney.

So, why are people wanting to relocate to Queensland?
In short, liveability, affordability and employment, what more reasons do you need? Experts and residents are even saying that Brisbane should replace Melbourne as the most liveable city! Queensland has also become one of the more affordable States to live in compared to New South Wales and Victoria. For example, Real says that Brisbane residents should be laughing as housing in Brisbane’s hot spots is half the price when compared to Sydney. And as mentioned above, the employment opportunities have risen. Queensland’s economy has become very solid and that is good news for everyone! The 130,000 strong people wave that is tipped to move into the sunshine state has been suggested to bring a strong $8 billion into the Queensland housing market.

What does this mean for Real Estate agents?
Of course this is good news for Queensland real estate agents, however it can mean low housing stock and agents should work hard now to become well known in their market areas to secure housing stock. The Real Estate Conversation suggests that a strong market does NOT mean an easy market and real estate agents need to be very active in their prospecting NOW to have relationships in place in order to get the listings and have the stock they will require. This is the time where the great relationships and reputation an agent has built for themselves will come into play. This is an exciting time for the real estate and property industry and great agents will thrive in the coming years.

What does this mean for investors?
This means two things for investors:

  1. Now is a great time to move any investment properties that you’ve been waiting to get off your hands.
  2. Now is also the time to invest in any properties that you’ve been thinking about!

So just keep investing investors and enjoy the good times.

Queensland is only just starting its growth so, if you’re wanting to become a real estate agent in the beautiful sunshine state now is the time! Give Validum a call on (07) 3193 5270 to let us help you achieve your dream career! Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts on how you think Queensland’s real estate is going at 

Validum Institute: Flexible | Affordable | Customised Learning